Episode 31

Published on:

2nd Jan 2024

After Heart Surgery: Fat Burning, Hormonal Reset, and Emotional Healing

#31 Boots Knighton and Dr. Cody Golman explore the misconceptions surrounding aging, weight gain, and emotional healing. Unveiling the truth about sugar's impact on the body, they delve into the addictive nature of sugar. Dr. Golman reveals his 4 secrets to healthy weight loss, shedding light on the emotional aspects of weight management and the importance of addressing mental health. This captivating conversation also touches on the transformative impact of love and connection on holistic health.

If you are looking for something specific - here's where you'll find it:

00:00 Host Boots Knighton reflects on heart surgery and weight gain, highlights advice from Dr. Cody Golman.

03:56 Inexplicable health issues resolved by chiropractic adjustment.

08:17 List of questions from Dr. Cody for health care providers to ask. Advocacy for self-care.

11:54 Former athlete discovers heart defects, copes with shock and emotions.

15:34 Experiencing weight gain due to mold exposure, sought help from naturopath.

16:27 Cardiologist dismisses biotoxin illness, pursuing alternative healing. Inquire about weight loss approach and book.

21:53 The text refers to a book titled "Sugar Blues" by William Duffy and recommends reading it due to its valuable information from real patient experiences.

23:02 Dieting won't reverse hormonal change to become a sugar burner, caused by sugar intake.

29:16 People in other cultures live long healthy lives. Age doesn't determine energy or weight. Hormone reset involves removing sugar and alcohol for 40 days.

30:14 Patients report benefits of fat burning over sugar burning for health, including cancer prevention.

35:12 Sugar activates dopamine, providing pleasure and avoiding emotional pain.

36:08 Change relationships, jobs to escape, avoid pain, sugar for dopamine, weight loss brings up issues, women take better care.

41:32 Embracing darkness, helping others, and promoting coffee enemas for health.

44:20 The text discusses rewiring emotions and the link between emotions and illness.

A Little More About Today's Guest

At the age of 19, Dr. Golman was a tank commander in the Army. After experiencing severe illness and injuries, he discovered natural ways to regain his health. At 25 years old, he established one of Denver's largest healing centers. Since then Dr. Golman has now taken his expertise to a virtual weight loss company combining natural health methods with uplifting psychological principles. His latest venture, the 4 Secrets To Weight Loss book, has helped countless individuals shed unwanted fat without resorting to drugs or surgeries.

Driven by a deep desire to inspire and empower others, Dr. Golman is on a mission to help people unlock their full potential, starting with their health. His goal is to ignite as many individuals as possible to live life to the fullest.

How to connect with Dr. Golman

Website: https://www.fast40weightloss.com/

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**I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. Be sure to check in with your care team about all the next right steps for you and your heart.**

How to connect with Boots

Email: Boots@theheartchamberpodcast.com

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Boots Knighton

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Boots Knighton [:

Hello, and welcome to another episode of The Heart Chamber podcast. I am your host, Boots Knighton. Oh my gosh. Today's episode with Dr. Cody Golman really gave me so much to think about in my continued journey with my heart and my body, my weight. It has been a really interesting journey since my heart surgery with a little bit of weight gain, and I know many other heart patients struggle with the same thing. So, I feel so lucky that I got to spend time with Cody and then bring him to you, my listeners. One nugget that he shared with me that really gave me, like, paws was when he said, when you're approaching a health care provider, ask yourself, do they have the health that you want, and I had never thought of it that way. There's so much more just like that, in this episode. I hope you'll reach out to Cody. I hope you will follow him on social media. He is such a kind soul who just really wants to help people optimize their health. So, without further ado, I bring you, Dr. Cody Golman.

Boots Knighton [:

Welcome to The Heart Chamber. Hope, inspiration, and healing, Conversations on open heart surgery. I am your host, Boots Knighton. If you are a heart patient, a caregiver, a health care provider, a healer, or are just looking for open hearted living, this podcast is for you. To make sure you are in rhythm with The Heart Chamber, be sure to subscribe or follow wherever you are listening to this episode. While you're listening today, think of someone who may appreciate this information.

Boots Knighton [:

The number one-way people learn about a podcast is through a friend. Don't you want to be the reason someone you know gained this heartfelt information? And if you haven't already, follow me on Instagram, 2 different places, at Boots.Knighton or at The Heart Chamber podcast. You can also find me on LinkedIn, as well as Facebook. But enough with the directions. Without further delay, let's get to this week's episode.

Boots Knighton [:

Doctor Cody, welcome to The Heart Chamber. Doctor Cody is joining me today from Denver, Colorado, and I'm so excited to bring you, Doctor Cody, to my audience, Doctor Cody is quite the expert at, gosh. How would you say it? The weight loss journey. How do you explain this to your patients?

Cody Golman [:

Yeah. Well, I mean, I didn't initially start in weight loss. I joined the military at 17, and I was a tank commander. And this is important to understanding how I even got here. I had injuries in the military. I was, basically, I started having numbness in my hands and tingling through my arm, heart palpitations, and I went to nerve specialists, Cardiovascular specialist. What did many specialists, but they couldn't find what was wrong. They kept, you know, telling me nothing's wrong, but they would find some kind of prescription to give me at 17. And so, finally, my mom said you should go see a chiropractor.

Cody Golman [:

And I said, I don't want to see a chiropractor. I want to see a real doctor. And she said, well, I don't know what's to tell you, and I already seen as many real doctors as I could. And I went there, and he did an X-ray in my neck, and he found a pinched nerve in my neck. Well, I said, that's not true. I already saw a neurologist. He said, listen. Neurologists don't look for nerves being pinched in your neck. I'm like, why wouldn't they do that? It didn't make any sense to me. He did an adjustment with me. And after months and months of not just numbness in my fingertips, but I start losing strength. The bolts on a tank are 100 pounds apiece, and I was lifting them above my head, and you can do 3 a minute. So, after a while, I was at the point where, by 19, I couldn't do this anymore. He did that adjustment and had an electrical signal shot like a lightning bolt shoot down my arm and hand, and instantly, the feeling came back. Over the course of several months, my heart palpitation went away. My asthma cleared up, and I was so like, I didn't understand this. So, I started opening up a book, and I found the same nerves that control your heart, control your arm.

Cody Golman [:

No one ever told me that before. No one ever told me that. I didn't know that was the case. The same nerves that control your lungs, control parts of your neck and also your muscles in your chest. I didn't know there was any connection there. So that was the moment I decided to become a chiropractor. And if I fast forward, I had a wellness clinic for over 17 years, and I spent time working with people through diabetic conditions. I had people heal from cancers, heart conditions, all kinds of stuff. But it wasn't until about 10 years in, I saw my patients doing very unhealthy weight loss programs, and I'll list them off. Even the fad diets of paleo, keto, South Beach, fasting. Fasting has benefits, but not for weight loss. I want to say this clearly. I want to be the anti-fasting guy right now. Fasting is the biggest trend. I have done more weight loss consults with people who are 30 pounds overweight, and they love to fast. And I'm like, great. I'm glad you love to fast, but it's not helping you in weight loss. So, like, yeah. I guess really not. So, I started doing this because I realized I had a patient that, if you're familiar with HCG, human chronic gonadotropin. It was a pregnancy hormone that was being injected into women over the last 10 years to lose weight, and people lost all kinds of weight. Women lost all kinds of weight, but I had a patient who got breast cancer because of it.

Cody Golman [:

The FDA eventually banned it, and now people are still doing it. Doctors are still doing it. It's proven to cause cancer. So, you injecting yourself, and it immediately turns your body into this fat burning machine. It's amazing. I lost weight. Now you have freaking cancer. So, I finally decided to get together with a few of my natural health care friends and created a program that was based on truthful information, was based on healthy physiology and based on facts. Wasn't based on all this fad crap that's being led to the public. So, that's how I came to into the weight loss journey.

Boots Knighton [:

Wow. You should see my facial expressions. It just so many, like, lightning bolts went off in my head and also some anger because there are several, like, doctors that I follow on Instagram. I won't mention their names, but are, like, saying that ketosis is the only way. And as, like, a 50,000-foot view, like, I'm also learning that if a doctor says this is the way without much wiggle room and without taking into the patient's perspective, that that's probably not exactly the way.

Cody Golman [:

What that's called is polarization. Polarization means nothing in life is absolute. And so, like, I used to be polarized in chiropractic. Like, in a chiropractor, the way it should be healthy. That's, like, one way. Like, there's people who don't see a chiropractor who are healthy. Like, come on. Like, let's just all wake up. Really? Like, blood pressure. Blood pressure pills the way to keep, you know, keep blood pressure down. Yeah. But, statistically, the same amount of people dies from heart attacks and strokes on blood pressure pills as off blood pressure pills. It's interesting. So, it's like there's no absolute to any of this. There's this range that's quite interesting of all of it. So, I like what you're saying. No absolutes. You got to try to take in all sides of things and really listen to who you're talking to and does the person have something specifically. Do they have the health that you want? I think that's a really important question. Go and ask your doctor, hey. Would you teach me to eat right? You wouldn't even want to know how that person eats. Now I'm making a big generalization. That's not everybody. But it's worth really looking at that. The person I'm asking health advice from, do they have a health that I want? It's important to ask.

Boots Knighton [:

Oh, yeah. So, audience, I'm making a whole list of questions that I'm going to put in the show notes from Doctor Cody, for you to ask your health care provider. So, you can literally have this episode up and go into your doctor, and just have these questions as, like, little reminders of how to advocate for yourself. Because remember, we are all CEO of our health, and we are hiring health care providers to be on our team. We also are allowed to fire them. So, Doctor Cody, one burning question. You mentioned you got together with other health care providers and wanted to create, how would you say, a system, a curriculum book. I know you wrote a book, and you said based on facts. Now here's something I've really been struggling with lately. Facts. Where do you actually find facts that are reliable?

Cody Golman [:

Yeah. It's a very good question. Let me drop some of this on everybody. Facts can be relative. That's the problem. So, let me just run this through. Have you ever heard of the fact theory fantasy triangle?

Boots Knighton [:

Okay. My husband and I were just talking about this the other day. Yes. But remind the listeners.

Cody Golman [:

Yeah. This is a metaphysical principle, finding truth. All truths are composed of fact, theory, and fantasy. Every truth has fact, theory, and fantasy. So, just feel into this. The story of Santa Claus. Most people are, let's say, 5, 6 years old. Santa Claus was a fact for you.

Boots Knighton [:

As was the Easter bunny.

Cody Golman [:

Yeah. Exactly. And if you grew up, maybe you overheard someone talking about Santa Claus not being real, and maybe you saw your dad take a bite of those cookies. And now that that fact turned into theory. You guys know theory is something that hasn't been proved or disproved. So, you're not sure yet. But then your parents sit down with you and have a conversation, and they say, we're sorry. We've been lying to you. There is no Santa Claus. Now what was a fact that was a theory goes into fantasy. So, which piece of it was the truth? Well, all 3. All 3 because the point of relative is just relative to your perspective. So, it's an important thing to answer that question.

Cody Golman [:

I personally, you know, in this day and age, you can go on, as you know, Google, and you can prove or disprove anything. I don't care what it is. I can go prove how chiropractors are horrible. I can prove how they're amazing. I can prove how heart surgery is horrible. I can prove how heart surgery is amazing. So, that's a good question. And so, one of the things I'd love to tune people in with, people who are very cerebral driven are going to like my answer, but it's important.

Cody Golman [:

You need to start using your feeling. Your intuition. People, we all have a strong feeling, a strong sense, a strong gut sense. Your gut sense is more powerful than any cognitive function I have ever found because the cognitive function exists in a polarized place. It exists in goods and bads. But when you feel into frequency and energy, you can feel sometimes you're like, I just don't feel good about this doctor. You don't have any logical reason, but people will stay with that doctor, and then 60 years later go, oh my god. That's why I had that feeling. So, listen. I know it's not a scientific answer, but I think we should probably get away a little bit from the logical science piece of this and follow your gut feeling.

Boots Knighton [:

Yeah. A few years ago, I was all cerebral. And I remember when I first found out about my heart, I was 42. I was an athlete, professional athlete, and I had lived in this fact that my heart was just fine until I had, you know, incident while mountain biking, and then all of a sudden, I had 3 defects I didn't know anything about. Right? And then it turned into a fantasy. Right? And so, I was so cerebral for a while and, like, researching each of the defects and trying to find the right surgeon. And I realized that part of that was almost like a coping mechanism because it was so shocking to learn that more than one thing wrong with my heart. And I know that there's other heart patients who have been there where, like, you just don't even deal with the emotional side. You can't because it's just too overwhelming. And so, like, for me, I just over researched everything.

Boots Knighton [:

But as I continue to work with my therapist and process shock and just my, you know, radical acceptance that I had been born imperfect and different, then I was able to more tune in with my intuition. And so, you know, it really took a professional to help me get more in tune with that feeling part because those are really big feelings and really big intuitions too because I knew deep down, I was in really deep shit.

Cody Golman [:

Yeah. I love that. I love what you're saying. It's this process of coming into I mean, you can call it your inner guidance, you know? But life is happening for us. Listen, I've been through a life-threatening situation. I was sick for a year and a half, and I didn't walk for 6 months in 2019. And so, that was a moment where, basically, I mean, I was on my deathbed, and now it's the most incredible moment of my life because I was seeing the things I was avoiding. These things happen for us, not to us.

Boots Knighton [:

Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Cody Golman [:

They wake us up. You know? So, it's really big and, just kind of weaving all this in together, kind of going back to what you were just asking just about, you know, people asking questions. As a chiropractor, one of the things I loved having people do with their doctor was asking the question why, and it's simple. Okay. Cool. How do we take this blood pressure? Why? Well, just ask them why. Most people don't need to ask why. Can you tell me why? Well, because it'll keep your blood pressure low. Okay, doc. Why do all my blood pressure low? Have them explain it to you. Why? Well, we've seen, so why would all my blood pressure low? Most people don't realize that if you don't have high blood pressure, you can't blow out the plaque in your arteries. It's one of the major functions of high blood pressure. This is why when people are on blood sugar pills, they literally have the same amount of people, like I said, that heart attacks and strokes.

Cody Golman [:

So, I'm not testing and saying someone's wrong. I'm just kind of saying, hey. It might be really worth asking why. Because when you finally get down to the why, there's some basic fundamentals to the why. Am I suppressing symptoms or am I fixing the cause? And I'm not knocking either, but when my patients really got to start asking that question why, most of the time, they were coming down to why so you can stop the pain. However, pain is our most motivating power. It's the most motivating force we have. So, most people who are avoiding their symptoms with whatever it is, end up with bigger problems. So that's why I'd really like people to dig into, do you have the pain, which going into pain and really listening to your pain, I know it's challenging, but it's not as challenging as the pain having to get louder because you're not listening to it.

Boots Knighton [:

Amen to that. Being proactive.

Cody Golman [:


Boots Knighton [:

So, I'm, like, two and a half years into my journey on the other side, and I'm dealing with 20 extra pounds, which is a lot because I am 5 feet tall. And my normal weight is about 110 with muscle, like, being strong, and I'm at 130. I never thought I'd utter those numbers. I didn't think it was possible for me to get to 130. So, I had been talking to my cardiologist about it up until last spring when I have basically elected to only see her hopefully on emergency basis, and hopefully, I ever have another emergency. She was like, well, just take these water pills or just wait it out. And I've come to find out I ended up working with a naturopath, and I had an amazing amount of inflammation because I had been exposed to mold.

Boots Knighton [:

And, of course, my cardiologist is in this one little silo, so she's not thinking biotoxin illness. Thankfully, I didn't take her out of her last word because I by then, I was already so in tune with my intuition, and I knew she was wrong. And so, I've been on the biotoxin healing journey, which is going to be a whole another episode, but I only share that with you. I would love to hear just your take on how you approach weight loss. And also tell us just about your book. Tell us, like, all the things.

Cody Golman [:

Yeah. So, I'll kind of weave this in for you for sure. I love and appreciate your questions. I love you and love the journey you've gone through. And especially you guys now, those listening, you're talking to a doctor who puts natural health first. So, you got to understand. I mean, also, like, in terms of longevity, I'm 45, and I am certainly healthier than most 25-year-olds. But when I was in my 20s, I was really sick. So, I have figured some of these things out myself, and I figured out how to what not to do. So, in regards to what you said, right now, where you are, you go, hey. I have 20 pounds of fat. 20 pounds of fat, and what you said is a lot, I want to back this up. We, since COVID, what's happened with America is we have started making it okay to be 20 pounds overweight. And I might have a lot of people who are going to be irritated of me saying this, but I'm going to say it. Loving yourself is one thing. Having 20 pounds of fat is deadly. It's not about loving your fat, okay? If you go to Target, now they have plus size models, and I get what that was for. It was like, well, let's make sure we love our big body.

Cody Golman [:

No. You're killing yourself. This is why the book is called 4 secrets to healthy weight loss. Okay? It has nothing to do with cosmetics. Okay? Most women I get on the phone with who have 10, 15, 20, 30 pounds overweight, they feel so bad about themselves. They punish themselves by not wearing the clothes they want, not being intimate with their husband. They're confident women, but they don't feel confident in their body.

Cody Golman [:

This is what matters to me. I don't care about you buying bigger clothes. I want you to feel good about yourself. And there's a few things we've been to all this. Okay? So, I want to kind of dispel some things. I think it'll help tie all this together. The 4 secrets to healthy weight loss are written in such that it dispels what hasn't worked. 80% of weight loss programs in America fail. This is not me. This is the American statistic. You can Google that. 80% of all the programs, you end up gaining the weight back. That's not okay. So, number 1, most people aren't familiar that when they say I want to lose weight, you can lose 3 types of weight. It's fat, water, and muscle. What most people are doing with ketogenic, fasting, they're doing what's called a caloric deficit, and you're familiar with that. So, well, if I want to lose weight, I just reduce my calories. You have something called an anti-starvation mechanism in your brain. When you rob yourself of calories, when you skip meals, you are literally telling your brain to influence your body to store fat, not burn it. So, the best way to get fat, is to fast. Rob yourself of calories. You want to be fat? Rob yourself of calories. Now people go, that doesn't make any sense. I have doctors who go, that doesn't make any sense.

Cody Golman [:

It does. It's wired into you. It's literally been there for millions of years from the caveman, cave people days. Right? So, it is a survival mechanism. And why? Fat is God's most beautiful fuel source for the human body and brain. It's important people really understand this. Fat is the most powerful and clean burning fuel source for the human brain and body. That's very important for people to hear that.

Cody Golman [:

In 1960, there was research done by Harvard Medical School where they researched, at the time, why were people getting so many more heart problems? This is 1960s. Okay? Harvard. And they researched sugar and fat. Well, the article found that fat was making people fat, and that's what started the whole low-fat craze. Okay? In the 1990s, we looked this up as Doctor Christina Kern was in the basement of Harvard Medical School. This is public knowledge. She found where that evidence in that journal and that study was fabricated and they lied.

Cody Golman [:

They actually found that sugar was causing heart problems, not fat. And there were, by the way, this is the 1960s. It's now 30, 40 years later. There's no one that can get in trouble because they're already dead or retired. Doesn't matter anymore. People still think that that's the enemy. So, why do I say this? Because when the low-fat craze happened, they started filling people's food with sugar, and that is what they found were causing heart conditions. And causing fat. Now why does that happen? Why would eating sugar cause people to be fat? I think it's important, but I want to just see if there's anything that you wanted to, did anything that stir anything up for you or talk about?

Boots Knighton [:

No. I'm just pissed off.

Cody Golman [:

Yeah. Thanks.

Boots Knighton [:

I mean, it's like that and the food pyramid. Right? There's so much bullshit out there. Anyway, continue. I'm just going to sit here and be pissed while you keep talking.

Cody Golman [:

I think, by the way, and, generally, if you guys are enjoying this, read the book. It's only 90 pages, and people are like, oh my god. It is like, the truth that I have found that truly not just for me reading, but what works. And that's another aspect of truth, by the way, is my experience. So, my experience with thousands of patients is inside. True real patients who actually are healthy, not just losing weight. So, anyway, yeah. So, the stories in the book, by the way, and where I got this information from is a book called, Sugar Blues by William Duffy. He writes the entire account of this whole process. It's amazing.

Cody Golman [:

So, anyway, very important because of the food guide pyramid, because of what you said, the very bottom food gap pyramid was bread, cereal, rice, and pasta, and it said that should be your largest serving per day. 6 to 11 servings. Okay? As you know, those are simple carbohydrates. Those break down into sugar in your body. Whatever you give your body over time, if you give your body enough of, it becomes efficient at burning. So, this is a principle, principle number 2, that's very important for people.

Cody Golman [:

Most people have become sugar burners instead of fat burners. This is very, very important. There is no amount of dieting that will change you back. It'll take a very long time. If you've been eating sugar and your body has become a sugar burner, you've had a hormonal change. Leptin and ghrelin are the 2 hormones that in your hypothalamus, literally left in the ground, they flip and they stop using fat as a fuel source and start using sugar. And that did happen again, I believe, because of those 2 things, the FDA, the food guide pyramid, and also them loading our food with sugar. So, how do you know if you're a sugar burner? You are storing excess fat on your body. Your brain's not using the fat in your body. It's pretty simple.

Boots Knighton [:


Cody Golman [:

You'll notice less energy

Boots Knighton [:


Cody Golman [:

More emotional ups and downs. Also, you may experience more disease or symptomatic processes. Everything from joint pains, headaches, digestive issues, emotional imbalances. The list goes up and down. So, sugar is one of the worst fuel sources that we have. Right. Yeah. I know. I know. And this is what,

Boots Knighton [:

pointing to myself, and I feel like I'm pretty healthy, but I'm like, oh, he's just blowing it up over here.

Cody Golman [:

No way. I'm not speaking for my high horse. And when I was out with the bodybuilder in my 20s, and by the time I got to my 30s, I had so much excess fat on me, and I was a doctor. I was a health care provider. I'm healthy. I was running. I was fit. I still had muscle. I was so tired. I was irritated all the time. I was going through emotional ups and downs. I didn't realize burning sugar does that. So, when we weave this all in with what you talked about with the heart condition, what you've gone through, it's very important to understand that if you're building your body off of sugar, you’re building your vital cells and tissues, nerve tissue, internal organs off of sugar. When people really get that, it makes sense. This has nothing to do with you being fat. It has to do with you storing fat and why we need to get you back to using fat.

Cody Golman [:

So, that's what the entire book really gets people, and that's what the program does. Is it gets people back to being a fat burner. Just like you entered this planet, you entered this planet as a little baby, as a fat burner. Let's get you back there. That's what it's all about.

Boots Knighton [:

And the book shows us how.

Cody Golman [:

Yeah. Run through the process of how to do that. Exactly. So, first, you know, it's making sure that we dispel, as I've mentioned here, why you don't want to reduce calories. Once you reduce calories, you burn some fat, but you eventually start burning muscle. And that's where people dig in their protein storages and they feel really bad. So, what it is, is about getting the right amount of calories in. So, your caloric output should equal your quart input and not be one way or the other. So, that takes a little bit of work to do.

Cody Golman [:

And then secondly, I run people through our process that the program that we created is called the Fast40. It's 40 days, and we actually use an herbal that we created, an herbal supplement actually changes someone's hormones back to burning fat as a fuel source. Otherwise, it'll take, I mean, most people with double sugar in their body will take years, years of trying to eat right. Most people that say, listen. I eat vegetables. I eat fruit. I don't drink. I don't eat sugar, and I still can't lose weight. That lets me know it's because your brain's not identifying fat as a fuel source, so.

Boots Knighton [:

Mm-hmm. Yeah. I haven't had a drink in thirteen and a half years. I'm, like, doing what I think is everything is right and above board and still, the third one. We haven't gotten to number 3.

Cody Golman [:

So, we first talked about which type of weight to lose, then we also talked about basically the hormonal switch. Okay?

Boots Knighton [:


Cody Golman [:

So, really, really important to understand this piece of it. When there is, the concept of sugar burning and fat burning, you understand now that I could eat right. I could exercise. Right? But the problem is I got to switch it back. So, a hormonal reset is what is really required. Okay? And this is not the type of hormones that I'm talking about when women go to the doctor and then the doctor goes, oh, you're now 40. It's hormones. Oh, you're 50. I want people to, I want women to hear this.

Cody Golman [:

You don't have excess weight on your body because you're 40. You don't have excess weight, bud, because you're 50. You don't have excess weight because you're a woman. This is absolute bullshit. Now, yes. You have higher percentage of fat than men. Yes. But not in the ranges that are, like, 10, 20, 30 pounds. Right? Maybe a few more pounds, but you're not having fat. So, I want to dispel that because so many women will just stop searching for an enhancer because their doctor told them they're 50, and now their body's just going to do this thing. Does that make sense?

Boots Knighton [:

Yes. Because I've heard it. And I know friends have heard it. And even a loved one said to me the other day, well, you know, your body's changing because I'm 45 also. And, like, well, you know, your body's going through changes now, so it's just normal. It's endemic in society to think that this is normal. What I'm hearing you say over and over again is that what is “normal” is not correct. What we have normalized in society is not correct, and it's killing us.

Cody Golman [:

Yeah. Exactly. You're 50. That's why you're tired now. It's because your hormones. That's why you've got, yeah. So, what that does is I've got a pill that will really help you. To me, it just helps the selling process.

Cody Golman [:

If a woman knew that then I did this for years with hundreds of people. I saw 300 people a week for years of my patients. Most of them women, because women tend to take care of themselves better than men in general across the board. But when they started to have this conversation and they realized it wasn't because they were 50, there was like they just released them. Like, wait a minute. You're right. We're not built to be 50 and slowing down. It's really not the case. Yes, the body goes through physiological processes, but I don't know if you guys have seen even the study on called the Blue Zones. There's a big Netflix documentary now.

Boots Knighton [:


Cody Golman [:

There are people in other cultures living well past 100 and functioning. And we have people in this country at 15 and 60 in nursing homes. It has nothing to do. Right? So, I say this because, yeah, dispelling, you know, the what people have been told, your weight and your energy is because of your age. Nope. So, we clear that out right away. So, we've got the hormone reset we're talking about is specifically leptin and ghrelin. We have people remove sugar and alcohol for 40 days while taking our herbal supplement. There are no chemicals in it. No drugs. And what it does, it triggers your hypothalamus to basically start looking at the fat on the body. And it's such a cool thing because what happens every single time by about day 7, the 1st week people have sugar withdrawal. Even people who are not really eating sugar like you and drink alcohol, they still go through this. By day 14, I hear this. Doctor Golman, my joints aren't hurting anymore. I didn't know this was going to happen.

Cody Golman [:

I just started hearing this from patients. Like, what do you mean they weren't hurting? Doctor Golman, I don't have to take my arthritis medication anymore. I'm like, what do you mean? I didn't realize the byproduct when you are a sugar burner, the byproduct is toxins. Many people know that many types of cancer use sugar to metastasize. So, if there was any reason way beyond, you know, what you look like, aesthetics, if there's any reason to become fat burner, it's this, that many types of cancer don't utilize fat to metastasize. Fat was designed for you. So, having like, when you have days where you're just mentally on, people call being slow, it's when you're burning fat. Fat has 9 calories per gram, and you know this. But just for listeners, versus protein and carbohydrates have 4.

Cody Golman [:

So, this is the other piece of this. Calories are not your enemy. That's like saying that gasoline is an enemy to your car. It's the same thing. That's like you saying I'm going to go on a trip, and I need to reduce my gas tank. I'd be like, what are you talking about? This is making sense. Calories are a measurement of the heat or energy that's used by your body. For me to move my arms and talk to you, I'm burning calories. Well, I've got to replenish those. So, there is more than double the energy source in a fat versus protein and carbohydrate. So, it's basically using jet fuel. You're on jet fuel when you're burning fat and you're on a crappy, I don't know, gas station gas thing, right, when you're burning, like, protein carbohydrate relatively. Sugar is, like, even worse. So, that's the third principle here.

Boots Knighton [:

It's, like, 85 with ethanol in it.

Cody Golman [:

Yeah. Yeah. Right. Right.

Boots Knighton [:

Which is sugar. Right?

Cody Golman [:

Right. And your fuel filters backed up and everything's getting dirty in your engine. That's exactly it. And you have other symptoms in your car? Exactly.

Boots Knighton [:

So, you and I are going to go on a tour, and we're going to change the world together.

Cody Golman [:


Boots Knighton [:

Because I'll be like Spice Girl, and I'll be like, hey. Listen to this guy. Okay. So, 2 was hormonal switch, switching the leptin. And what was the other hormone again?

Cody Golman [:

Leptin and ghrelin.

Boots Knighton [:

How do you spell ghrelin?

Cody Golman [:

GHR, Ghrel, ELIN. Ghrelin. GHRELIN.

Boots Knighton [:

Okay. I missed the h. So, number 3. Mm-hmm.

Cody Golman [:

So, the 2, 1 was choosing the right type of fat, muscle, water, or fat. 2 is, are you a sugar burner or fat burner? That's number 2. I'm kind of weaving these altogether right now. 3 is, either hormones pointing to sugar, or are they pointing to fat?

Boots Knighton [:

Okay. Got it. Got it.

Cody Golman [:

And then, yeah, 4 is one of my favorites. I spent 10 years in metaphysics. I trained people when I was a hypnotherapist. Okay? I actually was a hypnotist as well. So, I understand the way the brain is wired, and it's very important. So, for the secret, and the book goes through the process, but it's an emotional rewire. You're going to love this. This takes it to the next level. Actually, no weight loss program addresses someone's emotions and their mental state, almost none. So, we added this into this.

Cody Golman [:

Your brain has a primitive brain center called the amygdala. This is inherited from animals. Okay? So, the animalistic brain center is still in you. You also have an advanced part of your brain called the frontal lobe. This is the more evolved centers that separates humans from animals. Your amygdala is still operating. The amygdala seeks pleasure and avoids pain. That's what it does. It's survival. When we get pleasure, it’s because we had dopamine released in our brain. The reason that the sugar companies in the 1960s paid Harvard to falsify evidence about the fat was because they knew that sugar we have seen this since the 1500, by the way, 1500, that sugar is addictive. Sugar releases dopamine. Sugar uses the same receptors in the brain as cocaine. Same receptors. So, here’s how I found this out. I have a patient who was a methamphetamine user. All of his teeth were out. He went through the process. He's now really evolved, very spiritual person, and he did my weight loss program.

Boots Knighton [:

Did he get new teeth?

Cody Golman [:

I don't know. You know, this was years ago. He didn't get new teeth at the time because, yeah, he would still rebuild his life, but he's an amazing person. Incredible. Like, very spiritually focused. When you go through somebody that recovery, you're pretty aware. So, he said, by day 10, he goes, Doctor Golman, this is crazy. I'm having the same withdrawal symptoms, not pulling out sugar, as I did when I withdrew from methamphetamines. And I thought, that's really wild. I've heard that has the same receptors. He went through the same process.

Boots Knighton [:

That's terrifying. That is that powerful, and it's legal.

Cody Golman [:

And legal.

Boots Knighton [:

Criminalizing all these other drugs, but yet your sugar rampant throughout our entire food chain. Continue.

Cody Golman [:

Yep. It's sugar and sugar dopamine in your brain gives you the false sense no, it's not false, but it gives you a sense of pleasure. So, when you go eat this candy or you get a Starbucks drink with the pumps of sugar, your brain literally tells you you're doing good in your life, that you should feel good about yourself. So, here’s why I'm saying this. Most people are avoiding the pain in their life, specifically, the emotional pain.

Cody Golman [:

This is done very creatively. Most people avoid feelings. The way you avoid feelings, get on depression pills. Get anxiety pills. It's a great way to avoid your feelings. Your feelings are there as a guidance. Most people do not want to feel bad. And the problem with that is that feeling bad is our best communication from God. That's what I feel. It is the most powerful communication from God is you feeling like shit.

Cody Golman [:

So, you change your damn relationship. To change your job, to get out of the things that are not serving you, but you stay in those things because of the dopamine hits that you can get and make you feel better and not have to feel your pain, this is where sugar is involved. So, you can kind of see with what I just said was a lot. But I watch people start my program. They'll lose 15, 25, 30 pounds in of fat, of only fat in 40 days and is a big problem. Now they don't have the excess weight, and whatever they were trying to cover up starts coming up. And so, I literally had women, conversations with women. And, again, I have very few male clients, not because it's just because women even as a chiropractor, most of my clients were women. Women take care of themselves better than men just across the board.

Cody Golman [:

But women who come in, lose weight, and then go, Doctor Goldman, I have a big problem. What is it? I'm feeling good, and I'm starting to feel my emotions again. And I go, what's the problem with that? Is I think I'd leave my husband if I let myself feel these emotions. And, like, what am I supposed to do about that? I'm here as your weight loss coach. Right? Mike, this is a different type of coaching here. I can't coach you. If God can't get you out of your relationship, I'm not going to get you out. That's what I usually tell them. Right? And that's the truth. And I'm not here to change your relationship. I'm here to help you connect with your own inner guides. So, the rewiring really has to do with, number 1, getting people comfortable with feeling bad. I can't tell you the power of this. I've watched people not feel their emotions. And the more that you repress, the more that it will express in your body, physiologically. The more emotional pain you push down, the more physical symptoms you will have. So, I want to just stop there and kind of deal into that.

Boots Knighton [:

Yes. So, I was recently getting some help with my biotoxin illness at a more focused clinic, and part of the treatment protocol was a colonic. And it was an amazing experience. I did 8 of them in two and a half weeks. And I have been battling IBS for several years now. And I was absolutely amazed at what I learned about the colon and what with storing in my digestive area. And when I really started to, like, trust the process because it wasn't the most fun. It was, like, a lot of work.

Boots Knighton [:

I pushed my sleeves up and rolled into there every time and, like, okay. I have to get to work because it's healing is hard work. It just is. And once I really started to get things moving, it took about I think it was the 4th visit out of 8 that I really was able to finally let go. I felt like I was getting rid of generational trauma. And I also had flashbacks of cleaning out my mom's house after she died. She died 9 weeks after my open-heart surgery. So, it was a really, really hard time, and that's probably where I was exposed to mold.

Boots Knighton [:

And so, I bring all that up because, yes, when you are resetting the body, it is amazing what comes up, and, thankfully, I have the distress tolerance now to handle really uncomfortable emotions, and I'm not afraid to ask for help. And so, I love like, you seem like you would be an amazing coach, and I also just want to support all my listeners. If you don't have a therapist, by God, hire 1. Because if all of the world had a therapist, we would be a completely different planet.

Cody Golman [:

Yeah. Well said. And I've used coaches throughout the years and, you know, I do high level coaching with people as you can see, but based on these principles. I want to mention something that is on topic with what you just said, and I think will be a really gem for everybody listening, and you, I'll make this very short. I got Lyme disease, black mold and parasites altogether from traveling to China multiple times.

Boots Knighton [:

So, you won the lottery. That's quite the amazing journey.

Cody Golman [:

Mm-hmm. So, I was sick for a year and a half, and I didn't walk for 6 months, didn't physically touch the ground for 6 months. So, at that point,

Boots Knighton [:

that 2019?

Cody Golman [:

2019. Yep.

Boots Knighton [:


Cody Golman [:

So, this is important for people to hear because I was mister of focus of health. And like I said, I know things happen for a reason. It brought me into these levels of cognitions and awarenesses of now that I can speak from a level of understanding life in a whole different way. When you have an awareness like you've had, when you come close to death, things change. I no longer value the physical things as much as I value the love and connection I share with people, and I no longer hold it back, and I tell them now.

Cody Golman [:

But this is important piece. What you mentioned about, oh, the biotoxins, I couldn't spell my name. There were so many toxins in my system, and it breached the blood brain barrier. So, I couldn't tell if it's going to be a D or a B. You start losing memory. You have the awareness of, like, when you're 80 or 100 or 120 or whatever it is that you're becoming senile. It's freaking scary. It was the hell of all hells.

Cody Golman [:

And when I allowed the darkness in, when I allowed that's what I'm saying. When I tell people to feel the darkness, like, I can now spend time with someone who wants to kill himself and be totally content. I used to avoid these things. Now I'll go in with people. I get a cognition about a physical treatment that I want to share with you that was powerful for this, and there is nothing more powerful to remove toxins, heavy metals. I know most people that are dealing with bacteria and parasites, it's the coffee enema.

Cody Golman [:

I do have a video on YouTube if you look up Doctor Cody Golman coffee enemas, this is the most powerful. A gentleman in the 1950s, spent his entire life basically researching coffee enema. He cured 50 different types of cancers, and he created clinics in the US. The American Medical Association banned him from practicing in the US saying that it was, that the coffee enemas were not medical. They were like, you can't practice this. So, he moved his entire family to which are they're still there, Mexico. And you can now fly down there and check into their clinics. His name is Doctor Gerson.

Cody Golman [:

Enemas saved my life. One of the most incredible things to remove parasites, what it does, is it balances what's called a Herxheimer reaction, which you're familiar with. When you have any bacteria or some parasites and you kill them, they re-poison you. And it's very hard to remove the poison except the coffee enema is golden for this. So, that’s side note from, I don't use this for weight loss by any means. I use it to clean out toxins for people, and then I'll go in to actually clean out fat and that sort of stuff. So, just a side note for you.

Boots Knighton [:

And I will put the link to that in the show notes for my listeners because I will definitely be trying that. I feel like we could talk for hours, but we probably should wrap it up. You are a busy guy. I mean, there's so much gold in this episode already, but if there's, like, 1 burning piece of advice to give to my fellow heart listeners, what would it be?

Cody Golman [:

This is maybe me being selfish, but I would honestly go on Amazon and get the book, The 4 Secrets to Healthy Weight Loss, because it isn't just about weight loss as you can see.

Boots Knighton [:

Yeah. It's about health.

Cody Golman [:

Exactly. That's what it is. Really, it's about being healthy, right.

Boots Knighton [:

And it's about thriving. Sorry to interrupt, but that's really the whole point of my podcast, Doctor Cody, is I believe we, as heart patients, have the right to thrive despite our diagnoses.

Cody Golman [:

Mm-hmm. Exactly. And that's what I love that you said that. That 4th secret in the book runs through a process of rewiring the charges, the emotional things you've been holding in, it goes through a process of releasing them. I think that's probably the biggest bonus that anyone can get. I have an uncle last year who died of, he's 60. He died of heart failure, and he was 60. You know? He didn't have that much weight. He was probably 25 pounds, but he had a gut. And it was like, you know, I could never talk to him, especially men are challenged to talk to you about emotions and what he was storing. So, that last chapter will run you through how to really rewire the emotions, and I think that's let yourself feel what's there. And if you can't get someone to help you, there's a process of feeling emotions. I mean, this day and age, doctors, you don't go to the doctor, and they don't talk to you about emotions. It's like it's the no big deal. Repressed emotions lead to illness. You want to find a cause? It's not that you're not taking enough pills or medication. It's the things you're not feeling. So, that's the biggest piece of advice.

Boots Knighton [:

I love it, and I think that is a great place to end it. I want to thank you, Doctor Cody, for taking time out of your day to help us make our lives better and to help us thrive.

Cody Golman [:

Thank you for having me. I love what you're doing, and thanks for being here. And I think you’ve got some great stuff to be able to give off to people, so I'm glad you're here.

Boots Knighton [:

Oh, thank you.

Boots Knighton [:

Thank you for sharing a few heartbeats of your day with me today. Please be sure to follow or subscribe to this podcast wherever you are listening. Share with a friend who will value what we discussed. Go to either Apple Podcasts and write us a review or mark those stars on Spotify. I read these, and your feedback is so encouraging, and it also helps others find this podcast. Also, please feel free to drop me a note at boots@theheartchamberpodcast.com. I truly want to know how you're doing and if this podcast has been a source of hope, inspiration, and healing for you. Again, I am your host, Boots Knighton, and thanks for listening. Be sure to tune in next Tuesday for another episode of The Heart Chamber.

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About the Podcast

Open Heart Surgery with Boots
Giving voice and education to heart patients around the world to complete the healing picture post heart surgery.
Open Heart Surgery with Boots Podcast gives voice to heart patients around the world and helps complete the healing picture to make it easier to thrive post heart surgery.
Hi, my name is Boots Knighton, and I am an open-heart surgery patient in Victor, Idaho. Diagnosed with three different congenital heart defects at 42 years old, my life changed in an instant. In 2023, I launched this podcast because it was what I needed when I was facing heart surgery. I interview hearts of all kinds and elevate health care providers who think outside the box of general healthcare and believe that patients are the CEOs of their own health.