Episode 59

Published on:

16th Jul 2024

Second Heart Surgery Fears: A listener's Courage and Boots' Wisdom

#59 In this episode, host, Boots Knighton, addresses a heartfelt email from a listener named DH. DH shares her struggles with failed heart surgeries and the upcoming need for another complex procedure to repair her mitral and tricuspid valves. Boots discusses the emotional and physical challenges of heart surgery, emphasizing the importance of mental health and seeking support. Boots offers encouragement, shares personal experiences, and highlights the power of resilience and self-advocacy. Listeners are invited to connect, support the podcast, and follow DH's journey. This episode focuses on inspiration, community support, and navigating heart health challenges. Visit OpenHeartSurgeryWithBoots.com for more episodes and resources.

***Support the show!*** Your financial support means so much to me and fellow heart patients. Thank you for considering donating today.

**I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. Be sure to check in with your care team about all the next right steps for you and your heart.**

How to connect with Boots

Email: Boots@theheartchamberpodcast.com

Instagram: @openheartsurgerywithboots or @boots.knighton

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/boots-knighton

Boots Knighton

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Open Heart Surgery with Boots

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About the Podcast

Open Heart Surgery with Boots
Giving voice and education to heart patients around the world to complete the healing picture post heart surgery.
Open Heart Surgery with Boots Podcast gives voice to heart patients around the world and helps complete the healing picture to make it easier to thrive post heart surgery.
Hi, my name is Boots Knighton, and I am an open-heart surgery patient in Victor, Idaho. Diagnosed with three different congenital heart defects at 42 years old, my life changed in an instant. In 2023, I launched this podcast because it was what I needed when I was facing heart surgery. I interview hearts of all kinds and elevate health care providers who think outside the box of general healthcare and believe that patients are the CEOs of their own health.