Episode 54

Published on:

11th Jun 2024

Heart Surgery Recovery Redefined: Embrace Gratitude, Energy, and Awareness

Finally, I found someone who can help me put into words what I wish my surgeon and cardiologists had told me about truly healing from open-heart surgery. Heart Surgery Recovery Redefined is the episode I needed prior to surgery. In this episode, Tanja and I discuss her Five Innate Systems approach, the connection between heart energy and health, understanding the natural flow and rhythm of heart energy, AND the effects of overflow and stagnation on emotions and physical health.

If you find this helpful, please email Boots at Boots@theheartchamberpodcast.com. I love hearing from listeners! xo

About Tanja Diamond

Tanja Diamond is a polymath, Tantra Lineage Holder, Business and Life Strategist. Her 45 years of unique worldwide education, extensive knowledge in thousands of subjects, and certifications in hundreds of modalities, make her the go-to for everyone who needs solutions and results quickly. Tanja is a five-time #1 International best-selling author, 2x International TEDx speaker and the creator of Modern Tantra – The Seven Tantras of Integrated Intelligence. Her coach certification programs are the most rigorous in the world.



Attaining Personal Freedom - Initmate Journeys of Courage


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Email: Boots@theheartchamberpodcast.com

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Boots Knighton [:

Welcome to open heart surgery with Boots, a podcast for heart patients by a heart patient. I am your host, Boots Knighton, and I'm here to guide you through the highs and lows of the open heart surgery journey. Whether you're a patient, a caregiver, or simply curious about the world of cardiac health, this podcast is your companion on the path to understanding, healing, and hope. So sit back, relax, and let's dive in to another episode together. Gratitude is more potent than love. Tanya diamond, our guest today, walks us through that along with the five systems that she has used to help her cure for incurable diseases. She talks about energy, chemistry, the physical part, mental, emotion. All of that go together to help us heal.

Boots Knighton [:

This conversation is a conversation I needed three years ago, right after my open heart surgery. So I hope you will find this calming, healing, and hopeful. We are all, as heart patients, focusing on the physical experience of open heart surgery, and that's what a lot of our medical providers are focusing on. But there's so much more to it. So I bring you today's episode. Episode with Tanya dynasty. I'm so excited about today. My friend Tanya diamond has agreed to come on the podcast, and I want to tell you how Tanya came into my life.

Boots Knighton [:

I met Tanya through TEDx. She actually helped me birth my talk that I gave in November of 2023. And I was given 21 days to write and learn and then perform this talk for TeDx grand junction. And I'll never forget, I reached out to Tanya and she just made it happen. We wrote my talk on a Saturday and a Sunday, and then it was done. And then she kept helping me practice for the next 19 days, and it turned out to be amazing. I'll be sure to put that link in the show notes, but Tanya is just this breath of fresh air I didn't know I needed in my life until she came into my life. And I gotta tell you about her.

Boots Knighton [:

She's a polymath. She's a tantra lineage holder and a business and life strategist. I swear, if you sit down and talk to her about anything that is going on in your life, she's gonna help you figure out a path forward. Her 45 years of unique worldwide education, extensive knowledge in thousands of subjects, and I mean thousands, and certifications and hundreds of modalities make her the go to for everyone who needs solutions and results quickly. Tanya is a five time, five time international bestselling author, two time international TEDx speaker, and the creator of modern Tantra, the seven tantras of integrated intelligence. Her coach certification programs are the most rigorous in the world. And here's the thing about Tanya. She meets you with grace, and she makes you better the time that she is working with you.

Boots Knighton [:

So if you have a 45 minutes session with her, you're going to come out the other end better than when y'all first started. That's how it was for me. I am just so excited to bring Tanya in today because she is going to help me talk to y'all about some topics that I've been trying to find the words for with heart surgery. And Tanya approached me about this topic, and it just seemed to be right on time. So, Tanya, welcome.

Tanja Diamond [:

Thank you. I'm really excited to meet that person you were talking about. I praise, I praise. I appreciate that. Thank you so much.

Boots Knighton [:

Well, it's deserving. I mean, it's pretty amazing. Like, every time I talk to you, it's like, what am I going to learn next from you? It's just. Just astonishing. So I. I'm just so excited about today. And we are going to be focusing on two things. Understanding heart energy and how it can affect us positively as well as our nervous system and what it has to do with health.

Boots Knighton [:

So. My goodness. Like. Like, I've kind of touched on this with various guests, but you've been, like, the most knowledgeable and focused yet on this topic. So where should we start? Where do you want to start?

Tanja Diamond [:

I think first, let's define when I say. Cause I, like, you know, words have meaning, and people use words like energy or consciousness or whatever without really everybody getting on the same page about what it means for today. So when I say the energy of the heart, I'm talking about a couple of things. One, I'm talking about, literally, the physical energy of the heart. The heart beats, right? So there's the physical energy of the heart. Well, there's actually more than two things, because there's the physical energy. There's the physical energy of the heart, there's emotional energy of the heart, chemistry of the heart, and the energetics of the heart and the intelligence. So, basically, every system in us has what I call the five innate systems.

Tanja Diamond [:

Five. So innate. I n n a t e. Right. Five innate systems. And so when we talk about the energy of something, we need to understand that it's accumulation of these type, these five things, and these five things are. And I came up with this because I was having a problem. Like.

Tanja Diamond [:

Like you said, finding the words or describing things that are kind of seem esoteric or abstract or something like that. I'm like, how do we describe these tangibly, in a way that then becomes helpful for other people to understand. So in the years and decades that I was trying to find help for myself, for trauma that I'd gone through, and I'm autistic, so that in itself has its own, you know, piece of trauma that that brings in, I couldn't find anybody who could really explain. They could talk about mental, like, oh, the why things happen. Why? Well, you'll find out a little bit that why is the least important thing of all. The why something goes on does not fix you. The why something that goes on is just one bit of information. So I like to look to nature, since we're all connected.

Tanja Diamond [:

And part of that, we've come from nature. And so nature has secrets, and it has answers for us if we know how to look. And so, basically, these five and eight systems comes from the fact that we all have these. No matter how unique you are, no matter what happens after these systems are created and your behavior and how you were raised and what nationality you are and all that, that's what makes people unique. But at the core, none of us are unique. Except for sociopaths. They actually are, but they have a different chemistry altogether. But here it is.

Tanja Diamond [:

When we're fetuses, before we even fetus fetuses, there's an energetic connection, an energetic agreement that happens when sperm meets egg. Used to tell people there's a spark. Well, guess what? Science finally caught up, and they now know that when sperm meets egg, there is actually a spark. And that is the agreement for energy to manifest into physical matter. So we all start from that energetic space, enter that, then creates a chemical base. Now cell division starts happening, right? And all of these things take place. And as that starts happening, chemistry creates sensations. So then there's physical sensations and emotional.

Tanja Diamond [:

So there's feelings and physical sensations. So there's sensations and feelings in the body. And then the physical, obviously, is being created as well. But it takes 18 years for the physical to be totally developed. And here's the brain, 25 years before the brain is fully developed. And people have critical thinking. The judgment center does not fully develop till you're 25 years old. So those five and eight systems, energy, chemistry, emotion, physical, mental, we all possess those.

Tanja Diamond [:

And a lot of us thinks that healing comes from addressing, like, if we're talking about hearts, people would say, oh, I have a heart issue. They go in and address the physical issue of the heart, right? But what we don't, what we need to understand is that having a heart issue isn't just a heart issue. It has all of these. It's a physical. Right. So it's a physical issue. It's a mental issue, because once you have that, that changes your thinking. Right.

Tanja Diamond [:

But it all starts with energetic. So it's energetic, chemical feeling, physical. It has all those things going on. So if we're not addressing all these five and eight systems in our healing or our lives, even preventative care, we're missing the boat. So how do we address that? Well, first, we understand that everything is connected. We say it all the time, but people don't really define what that means. We're all connected. Well, yeah, you're connected to these five and eight systems.

Tanja Diamond [:

You'll find them actually in every single living being. Trees, plants, everything. They're all there in everything that's alive. So, inherently, we tend to compartmentalize as people. You know, other things don't compartmentalize like that. We learn to separate things because we value knowledge. So we are valuing the why of things, the why we are mystery. Oh, well, let me go search out why.

Tanja Diamond [:

And then it's like, oh, I have that answer. But let me tell you, when has the why ever totally fixed something sustainably, completely? Because if that's all it took, I could literally get on with people in 30 seconds, and I'd be, you know, drop a million dollar 32nd phone calls. Here's why. Here's why. Here's why. Here's why. But that I know because I've data collected, worked on this with data. The why doesn't change anything.

Tanja Diamond [:

An epiphany or an aha moment doesn't change anything unless you do these other things to change, unless you're addressing all these five and eight systems, it's just an aha. So, okay, if we go back now and I'm talking about the energy of the heart and realizing that the heart has all five of these things baked in it anyway, because we all do, right? So that's the energy of the heart. Right? The chemistry of the heart, the emotions of the heart, the physical heart, and then the intelligence of the heart, because all our organs have intelligence. That's why it's all connected with everything. So if today, because that's a lot. But today we're going to focus on the energy of the heart. Everything in nature is in flow. The tide, the moon, you know, wind, whatever.

Tanja Diamond [:

It's natural. It's in flow. It used to be when I taught about energy, when I first started talking about it, everybody looked at me like I was crazy until Oprah made energy cool. Now everybody thinks it's a cool thing, but thank you, Oprah. So the ebb and flow is a natural occurrence. Our heart does it. Contraction, expansion, contraction, expansion, contraction, expansion. And it has a rhythm to that flow.

Tanja Diamond [:

So when your heart's in the right energy, it's in the right flow. It has a natural rhythm that it follows. Right baked in. So the energy of the heart in that regard is the physical energy of the movement, that it has the energy to actually move. But then there's the innate, mysterious, abstract energy that we talk about, right? The energy of the soul, the energy of the heart, that kind of thing. Then that's not that mysterious because it still follows the same laws of flow or stagnation. So when the heart energy is flowing, you'll find somebody who is generous and kind that has qualities to it. Generous and kind, but also has boundaries.

Tanja Diamond [:

When it's overflowing, you have somebody that doesn't know how to receive, and all they do is give until they're exhausted, until they're depleted. They don't ever fill up. They're not in the natural contract and expand state. They're just overflowing. And you know, why? Why do we overflow? Part of it's programming. You know, people tell us that it's better to give than receive societal impressions worth validation. All of these things that we're trying to get by overflowing typically don't come back to us because we don't give them space. If you're always flowing out, nothing can come, really come back into it.

Tanja Diamond [:

Right? So you think you're being good and kind. What you're being is nice, which, nice is a four letter word, because nice usually doesn't mean you're honest. Kind is different. Nice means you're not really being honest. You're sucking it up. You're saying what you should. You're being, you know, doing what you should do. Not caretaking for yourself, extending.

Tanja Diamond [:

Oh, but I've got to give. And then there's martyrdom, right? So what is martyrdom isn't an overflow. Victim is an overflow. All life is happening to me is an overflowing of that. Okay.

Boots Knighton [:


Tanja Diamond [:

The opposite of that isn't blocked energy, because there's no such thing as blocked energy. I mean, if something blocked energy, what would happen? I'm not even sure. Because energy is always in motion. Can't be blocked, but it can stagnate. So what does the stagnation of energy look like in somebody? How does that manifest. Well, that is not enough energy. Right. Stagnation of energy.

Tanja Diamond [:

Looks like somebody who is, when it comes to the heart, somebody who waits is a constant kind of waiting. Oh, maybe someday this will come to me. This idea of I'm not the person that those things happen to. Real deep stagnation is blocking out anything that has to do with that heart emotion of love, giving, receiving, that type of thing. So those are people that usually you'll get angry. Cold. Cold is another one. Right.

Tanja Diamond [:

So as I'm talking about, these emotions that come with this, you can see how they can physically manifest, too. Overflow works too hard. There's no replenishment. The energy is constantly flowing. There is no way to recover or replenish. Right. And the stagnation means that it's pooling. The things are pooling and they're not moving forth.

Tanja Diamond [:

They're stagnating. It's literally that. Think of muck and mud, and there's not enough energy to make anything happen. So when I think, when I work with people in physical, first of all, when I work with anybody, I work on these five and eight systems because they have to work in conjunction. But when it comes to the heart, I think it's very little talked about how physical heart issues, our emotions manifest is energy not in the right flow that it needs to. It's not giving and receiving. And so that can actually cause, we know that energy and emotions can cause physical symptoms. Right.

Tanja Diamond [:

Your listeners have heard that, I'm quite sure. So this is the kind of thinking of the step of what's the energy related to that? And if you're. Go, go, go, go. So that's overflow. And if you're. Hold back, hold back, hold back, hold back, hold back, stay safe. Right. That's stagnation.

Tanja Diamond [:

Now, I will qualify. I'm not a doctor. I don't play one on tv. I have cured for incurable illnesses in myself, and I've helped others, too. And it was coming up with these five and eight systems and understanding that that really made a difference in how I approach anything that I'm working with, whether it's a nine figure ceiling. So, like, you might be somebody that's stuck at only making eight figures a year, you got a ceiling. It's probably one of these innate systems is not functioning, and they're not all functioning correctly. Right.

Tanja Diamond [:

Unhappy sex life, same thing. Bad golf game, same thing. Weird. It's all really the same thing. So that's where the connection to me is, into that area. So I'll be quiet for a moment to just clarify. So you can ask me clarify anything that we've gone off track on?

Boots Knighton [:

No, it's amazing. I can only speak from obviously, personal experience. And just thinking about this in the realm of hearts, like actual heart surgery, speak to the following statement. I said to my therapist prior to open heart surgery, my exact words were, I can't explain it, but I feel like I need to have my chest cut open.

Tanja Diamond [:


Boots Knighton [:

Which makes sense, given the. The congenital defect that I had corrected. Right. And then afterwards, once I had healed physically and somewhat emotionally, I now am so much quicker to say yes, to love, to say hello when I'm passing a stranger. It is bananas. The difference in my personality comparing before and after.

Tanja Diamond [:

Yeah. And they say people don't change, but that's totally not true. I make a living with people changing. So people can change, but they need to have something drastic happen or to be motivated some other way to create that change. And. Yeah, absolutely. Because what, literally, physically, you had your chest cracked open, you had your things got opened up and that lack of constriction. So then there was more actual physical motion probably happening.

Tanja Diamond [:

Right. Better circulatory kind of motion, but also that feeling you felt when you were alive and the feeling you felt when you were. When you had more energy, even perhaps, like I said, after you healed, to be able to do things, but that. So they all affect each other. It's not that you. You have to go in this particular order, but they all have to be activated, the five and eight systems. Right. So.

Tanja Diamond [:

And you'll see that the physical opening can cause either shutting down or opening. So once again, you could have had that surgery and instead of felt open, you could have literally shut back down harder. And people will do that, too. Fear. Right. That's fear. Fear is also stagnation.

Boots Knighton [:


Tanja Diamond [:

So, you know you're going to have some fear because that's normal and it's natural. It's there for a reason. But then you also have the other side of that, which would be gratitude. And gratitude is an energy that is more potent than love. There was a study done. You know the guy who does the water crystals?

Boots Knighton [:

Oh, yes. Emoto, right.

Tanja Diamond [:

Yeah. Hidden. Hidden messages in water. Discovered that the most beautiful crystals ever come from the energy of gratitude, even over love.

Boots Knighton [:

Wow. That makes sense, though, based on what I've experienced.

Tanja Diamond [:

Right. Because gratitude is one of those things that basically it transcends a circumstance, if you're using it correctly. So, like, I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do when I open my eyes is I'm like, I am alive. This is amazing. I'm like, I'm so thrilled just to be alive, to have another day, to go out and have choices, even if things are not good, you know, I mean, I. 2020, I had surprise ovarian cancer right in the middle of COVID So I went through, you know, surgery, Covid, chemo, all of that by myself. And I found out that I was grateful every single day, even then, that I got to get up and make choices, even if that was, where am I going to puke, you know? I mean, we got a lot of choices that we get to have, so. Yeah, absolutely.

Tanja Diamond [:

So that energetic component. So, for your listeners, it's thinking about, you know, when you. If you take your hands and you put them on your heart, and you just take a moment, close your eyes, even if this seems hokey to you, close your eyes. And I want you to just breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Feel the warmth of your hands on your heart. Continue breathing. Now, if you do this long enough and don't do this while you're driving, you might feel a physical sensation start to happen for some people. You might actually feel an ache.

Tanja Diamond [:

It could feel painful. It could feel tight, it could feel opposite of that. It could feel warm and open. But this is information, so don't bypass what you're feeling when you do this. Information, somatic information right from the body. Like, I noticed that right now when I'm doing this, I got a lot of aching. And now as we go deeper into this, just being here, I'm getting some, actually a little bit more sharp pains. I did not notice these when we were talking.

Tanja Diamond [:

And, I mean, it feels like I'm not having a heart attack. It's in the middle of my chest. But so this information is telling me that I have some stagnation, that whether that's muscular, whatever, it doesn't matter. One of the five and eight systems is stagnant right now with me. And this might just be a right now thing. This could be, I haven't done put my hands right here for a few days. So if I ask my body, not my mind, but when I ask my body what's going on, it'll give information to my mind. But you need to be still and quiet with that.

Tanja Diamond [:

Yeah. And so my body just told me that this is a physical issue, and I realized I just put a change to beds five days ago. So as we were doing that, my body was telling me, oh, yeah, this is radiating into the shoulders and stuff. And then my bed came into my brain.

Boots Knighton [:

So maybe the new bed isn't the best fit for you.

Tanja Diamond [:

Exactly. So either, a, my body is accommodating because this is firmer than what I had. Right on. B, then that tells me that I can keep track of this. And if in 14 days, this doesn't resolve as my body gets used to it or it escalates, this is not something I should be sleeping on long term. It could have been an ache, an emotional ache. It could have told me that there's some way I'm stagnating or some way I'm overflowing. Am I giving too much? Am I scared of something? Am I holding back? So this is a practice.

Tanja Diamond [:

It takes a while to teach your body that you're safe with your brain. By the way, most people have a narcissistic relationship between their heads and their bodies.

Boots Knighton [:

Say more about that, right.

Tanja Diamond [:

Something as little as you know, you're hungry or you have to pee. Here's a good one. This is probably the funniest one or the most basic one. You be on a call with somebody and you have to pee. You've probably had to pee for 30 minutes. You're not comfortable, your bladder's screaming. But by God, you're not going to say something like, hang on a second, I'll be right back, and go pee and come back. So what you're basically saying is your body's screaming at you and telling you, I have a need, and you're saying, forget about it, I'm overriding you.

Tanja Diamond [:

Because this other thing is something I need to do. When you start doing that from a young age, you got to poop, you got to pee, you've got to drink some water, you've got to move, you've got to do something. And you ignore your body telling you danger, danger or discomfort. You grow a tolerance for being uncomfortable. And I think your story is super great on this one, quite frankly. You grow a tolerance for paying attention, right? You grow a tolerance for the danger, and it has to escalate so far that literally you fall down or you literally can't breathe or whatever, you know. I mean, it'll keep ramping it up, but our body is giving us clues and information. It's actually more information and more important than what our brain thinks, because our brain is programmed.

Tanja Diamond [:

97% of what you think is your free will was programmed before you were seven years old in neural pathways. So you don't have free will until you understand that your decisions are unconscious survival techniques. So we're taught to override that. We're taught to override that by our parents. Wait. Oh, I gotta pee. Every kid, right? I have to go to the bathroom. I gotta wait right there.

Tanja Diamond [:

We start teaching our kids that your body needs are not important. So we bypass the information and we get dull to the information, and our bodies have to scream at us for us to pay attention. So that's a narcissistic relationship. The brain saying, what, gaslighting the body?

Boots Knighton [:

Yeah, well said. And yes, my story just screams as an example. And I'm also thinking about women and how women are also taught that we are just emotional. I mean, just look at my heart journey. I was told I had, I only had anxiety.

Tanja Diamond [:

Right, right. And thankfully, you knew that wasn't true because you were also brainwise data. You were going to somebody for that. So you would be like, well, that's awesome. And I'm addressing that.

Boots Knighton [:

Right, right. So I just think about all the women out there who are programmed to not listen to their bodies, to take a pill, you know, to just stay in the kitchen, to whatever. And I'm just thinking about, like, the recent graduation speech that made the news and all these ways that we're told to ignore our hearts, our minds, our bodies. It's really unfortunate. I just wonder what this world would be like if we all had what I. What I'm hearing you say when you're talking about clueing in with our hearts, which I do every morning now, and I've done that religiously for at least two years. And I can't believe the difference it's made in my life. But really, the other way I would phrase what you just said is just building that, that mind body awareness and just a general awareness overall of what is good for my body and what isn't good for my body.

Tanja Diamond [:

Absolutely. Yeah. And a lot of the times that if we go from a mental space of that, then we're following trends, oh, like, you know, this is important. Or that, because I'm a biohacker as well, so, you know, I love science and data, so biohacking is my hobby. You know, you could say, oh, well, I need to go cold plunge. But let's say you go to do a cold plunge and you find it horrifying, but your mind overrides it and tells you that the, the people are telling you that's what you need to do. We always have to listen to our body. Our body will tell us its wounds first, though, so you should understand that your body also, if it's not congruent, meaning what I call integrated, is when you're operating on all your wisdom, not just your head, not just your heart, not just your crotch.

Tanja Diamond [:

All wisdom. Body has wisdom in it. In the energy world or the spiritual world, you call those chakras, but I call them body wisdoms because, quite frankly, chakras don't always relate. But a body wisdom we can get behind, we understand that our body has wisdom. Wisdom of the body, when you're wounded, is to show you your wounds, so you can't intuitively trust yourself either until you're integrated. Integrated means all healed, and most people are operating from just a few spaces that are wounds. So, oh, my body says that this is my guts or my heart's telling me this is the right person. Well, if you're operating from 97% programmed stuff, you're probably going to be picking the wrong person based on your wounds until you get healthy.

Tanja Diamond [:

So it's a complicated, you know, it's not just a straightforward listen to your body thing. It's listen to your body's giving you info. And then you're the reason you have your brain or your conscious thought there is to kind of data check it, as well as a checkpoint, but so is your gut. So your heart's telling you one thing, your head's telling you another, and your guts telling you something else, right? That's not easy. Flow. That's stagnation, overflow, whatever. So that's how you can tell you really got something going on. Because when you're aligned, your body tells you all the same thing that lines with your head, your heart, and everything.

Tanja Diamond [:

So when it's all lined up, you're on track. But most people are not. And the heart does have, the gut has intelligence, it has all of those things. So do our sex centers, basically, we're wired, connected through those innate systems to everything. So, all right, what do we do and why? We brought up the nervous system earlier, too. And if you follow the five and eight systems, we just talked about energy. And so then the next, the nervous system is chemistry. So if your chemistry is out of alignment, that means that you are anxious or having all sorts of chemical reactions.

Tanja Diamond [:

Once again, if you try to fix anxiety from your brain, you won't fix it, because anxiety is a chemical disorder. It's a chemical out of balance, overflow. Anxiety is overflow of chemistry. Depression is stagnation of energy. And they're actually flip side of the same thing. So if somebody suffers from depression, I fix their anxiety issues and the depression, everything starts to flow. So I always go back to anxiety chemistry, as we need to down regulate. Because when you have anxiety chemistry, you literally are in fight or flight mode.

Tanja Diamond [:

You're in, like, I'm gonna die mode. And when you're in that mode, all your innate systems are in panic. Like this panic, we're going to die. And so nothing works well, right? And so you have to address that too. The best way to address your chemical issues is basically sleep. The right sleep at the right time. So boring grounding and sleep. Go stand outside barefoot, lay down in the grass, be outside in nature ground, and then sleep.

Tanja Diamond [:

And the best sleep is ten. Being in sleep before ten and being awake by five or six. And no, you cannot catch up on sleep. You literally have to sleep, because there's two phases of sleep. The first phase of sleep, the first part of the night, and the second phase of sleep, the second part of the night. You cannot exchange those. If you go to sleep at two, you'll start with the first phase and never get to the second one, even if you slept for 10 hours from two on. So, blue lights, these things that we're doing all day long with our stuff, these are killers for your circadian rhythm.

Tanja Diamond [:

This is the way to really mess yourself up and not be able to sleep. There's no such thing as a night owl. I mean, unless it's an owl. Notice that our eyes aren't created to see in the dark.

Boots Knighton [:

Right? Exactly. There's a lot of research out there talking about the importance of viewing sunlight first thing in the morning.

Tanja Diamond [:

Yep. Ten minutes. Ten minutes. Being outside in natural light without your device or your glasses before 11:00 a.m. is critical. And as is turning off all blue lights by about 08:00 p.m. so your body will go to sleep. Well, Tanya, my bib, why do I feel so energized at night and have my most creative thing happening? Well, right before you're supposed to go, as you're falling asleep, if you're falling asleep at ten, at 939, ten, as you're falling asleep, then your brain releases a burst of melatonin.

Tanja Diamond [:

That's supposed to. Because melatonin is not a sleep aid, it's an antioxidant. It's supposed to clean the gunk of your brain from the day. But if you're awake, it gives you a burst of energy that you then use to stay awake and get creative. But you don't get your brain cleaned.

Boots Knighton [:

Ah. Wow.

Tanja Diamond [:

If you're any parents listening? If you don't get your kids to sleep at the right time, they get hyper afterwards. They're like wired off the chart. You can't get your kids running around. It's like, why aren't they going to sleep? Because you missed their sleep window. Yeah. And now they got a flood of the chemistry that's happening that's supposed to be cleaning up the body, emotions, physical, repairing short term memory, all that stuff is not happening. So sleep is really, really critical. And it is, guess what part of the energetic ebb and flow.

Tanja Diamond [:

Awake and asleep, day and night. Weird how all of this has a rhythm and for some reason we think that we're not in that rhythm. Like we can create our own rhythm and be okay, and it's just not true. It's so ingrained. I mean, there's no denying that evolutionary, even if you believe in God, we've been around the planet long enough that there's evolution that's happened within that time span of God putting us here as well. Right? So either way, we've been evolving. And when electricity happened, what, 100, 6170 years ago, we have not been able to evolve as fast as our technology is. And that's why you see a lot of disease and suffering and problems is really that lack of our bodies that are still in the natural rhythms of the natural world.

Tanja Diamond [:

Now faced with this technological onslaught, it's.

Boots Knighton [:

Common sense when you think about it, like when you hear explained this way. Yeah, it's, it's pretty, it makes sense. It's common knowledge. It's common sense. And I'm loving that you're talking about it in a different way than, say, some other scientists that I listen to on different podcasts. And it helps hearing you explain it, especially the melatonin piece. What is it called when kids do get that burst of energy? There's a funny saying about it at night.

Tanja Diamond [:

Oh, I know. Yeah. I can't remember what it is either. And I do have a kid. Well, we call dogs, we call them zoomies.

Boots Knighton [:

Right, yeah, yeah, exactly. But, yeah, I've seen a few of my friends kids get the zoomies at night, and it, it's kind of amazing to watch.

Tanja Diamond [:

Yeah. I mean, it just ramp. I mean, it's like, from kind of a little bit, maybe they could be sleepy to. They are like, wired. We do the same thing, and so, but we tend to use that for, like, staying up, you know, creating or doing, you know, especially creative people. Now, look, I lived on 3 hours of sleep a night for decades. It did not change my energy. Like, literally, you would never have known that.

Tanja Diamond [:

I only were sleeping 3 hours a night, and I was using chemistry, overflow chemistry to maintain all that. And I ended up with metabolic disorders and all sorts of stuff, because literally your body cannot survive that. So though energetically, I was in high drive, it caused a cascade of problems in my nervous system, which then translated to feelings, then physical body, then mental, right? That's all. It took a long time.

Boots Knighton [:

Just a downstream of negative effects, right?

Tanja Diamond [:

And it can take a couple of decades or a decade or whatever for all of that to happen. So you never go back to tying it in. I can give you like a how to or another way to look at this from the heart energy perspective for the this whole five and eight systems to sew it up. So a friend of mine called me, said, hey, my horse has a problem with his back leg. Every vet he's seen, every major vet, I hear you're the horse sleuth. You know, I'm known for solving puzzles. That's what I love to do, is solve puzzles, right? So come on out. I go out and I look at him, and I feel him, and I touch him, and I go, and I start examining every part of not just his leg, but then, like, I go to look in his stall, what's going on in his stall? What's going on? And then I ask, what's his typical day? So I get there at his typical day, and I watch everybody handle him, who handles him, and I watch his routine, and I'm watching him the whole time.

Tanja Diamond [:

And as he's being led out to his pasture where he's going to hang out during the day, I notice his body stiffens, and I'm like, hmm. So now I start paying attention, and he's not breathing typically, he's breathing shallow. So I'm like, okay, something out here is causing that nervousness. They put him in his pasture, and the first thing he does is turn around and face the back part of the pasture. And I asked, does he, does he typically stand over here? And they're like, yeah, he typically hangs out at the top of the pasture. And I'm like, and so I'm watching him, and his ears are like, whoop forward and everything, and he does not. I go into the palter him up, start to walk him back there, and he'll go with me, but he does not want to go with me. He does not want to go back there.

Tanja Diamond [:

I can't see anything in particular that's a problem right then. But I let him go back up to the top. I go about the side of his fence, and I see tracks and spores. So there's some type of more predatorial animal that has been there, right? So he's reacting to that. But what he's doing, why his back leg is a problem, is he's backed up in his pasture, turned around, and where he stands all the time, one of his. The ground is uneven and one of his legs is hiked up higher than the other, and he's spending hours hanging out there. Oh. So we take him, we move him to a different pasture.

Tanja Diamond [:

I do some bodywork and some stuff on him, help him clear his mind, you know, actually, you can do that with horses, help his emotional center. So I work on his five and eight systems, and literally two weeks later, he was 100% fine. But they had spent $15,000 having diagnostic stuff done for his leg, never stopping to think, what are these other innate systems involved in what's actually happening? And we do the same things. You get your heart broken, stagnation can happen, and you never go back to the fact that that thing that happened ten years ago is still affecting you, and it's just now it's cascading. So that's where that story comes in. Both of the sleep and the horse, it ends up cascading, and you probably will notice a physical symptom, but by the time you notice a physical symptom, you've been having issues, probably for a really long time, because the physical body and the mental body, those two, by the time you notice these things, you've been cascading for a long time.

Boots Knighton [:

And so would you say that the way to stop that downstream negative flow would be to do that exercise you led us through a few minutes ago? Just putting our hands on our hearts each morning and try that.

Tanja Diamond [:

But that takes body awareness, and most people don't have body awareness. So the first place to really start is to get, you know, get your feet go ground, go sit against a tree, get out in nature. We spend 90% of our time indoors, and it's killing us. Get in nature and just start to, like, take in what I've said. Your brain is going to ask the whys. If I don't convince your brain, the rest of you won't follow, which is so sad, because literally looking into nature tells you what's happening. Go get your sleep. You cannot physically supplements diet.

Tanja Diamond [:

None of that matters if your sleep's off, by the way. Yeah. So the one crew, here's how it is. Number one, get outside, especially in the morning. Get some natural light. You don't have to stare at the sun. Just get natural light in your eyes. Without a device, be there.

Tanja Diamond [:

Best barefoot, right? Barefoot on natural ground. Not on concrete, on natural ground. Okay. Start fixing your sleep, and then pay attention to the feelings that come up as you're doing those things. Because your body was designed to heal. The five and eight systems are in place because you were evolved, designed to heal. And if you're not healing, it's because these things are out of whack. So, energetically, when we get on the ground, go out to ground and get light in our eyes, we are connecting literally to the power force of the energy that we were created.

Tanja Diamond [:

Right? That changes our chemistry. It starts healing our chemistry. To be outside, grounded in the natural light before 11:00 a.m. hearing the sounds of nature being in nature, we were designed to input that to calm our system. By the way, dirt has microbes in it that are a hundred times more powerful than any antidepressant you could take. Dirt was actually designed for us to dig in, and the spores and all these different things were created to help the bacteria in our body. Okay. Energetically, once you change that energetic, you start feeling better.

Tanja Diamond [:

You will feel better when you get out and do these things. Right? And then your physical body, these things enhance the healing of your physical body, which then finally you get, oh, huh? Wow, check it out. This is amazing. That's how that works.

Boots Knighton [:

And then if I could add a 6th thing, then you thrive. Which is the whole point of this podcast, is to remind all of us heart patients that not only do we deserve to survive an open heart surgery, but we deserve to thrive afterwards. And it is an incredible opportunity to begin life again and live life wide open. And Tanya Dimond's amazing explanation today of the five innate systems is finally gives me the verbiage to be able to speak to this a little more clearly. And, you know, at the time of this recording, I'm only three years and a few months into my journey on the other side of open heart surgery. And it's taken me this long to finally be able to somewhat speak intelligently about what my soul has been experiencing since heart surgery. But today's episode with Tanya has finally given me a better way of. Of describing it.

Boots Knighton [:

So thank you.

Tanja Diamond [:

Yay. I'm excited to hear that for sure.

Boots Knighton [:

And I'm just relieved because it's hard. Like, my soul knows, but I can't. I'm like, uh, can't see it.

Tanja Diamond [:

So taking a long time for some of the things I know to be able to. For me to say it. And the five and eight systems. So if you go research that, you may not find anything because they're mine. Like, literally, that's what I came up with. That's how I explain it. So if people go, hmm, I don't find this. Yeah, I've got a book I've just written that will come out later this year that basically will explain all of this.

Tanja Diamond [:

Even the horse story is the story of the horses in there. And we'll explain this. And it's a book about recovering your life in 20 minutes a day. And it's practices that help to get you work on the five and eight systems and get you back to unresolved. It's like healing unresolved trauma symptoms. But when you do that, the five and eight systems work on everything, physical, mental, whatever. So you're literally. It's the full meal deal.

Tanja Diamond [:

Because I like results. I am results person. I am not somebody who's like, here, do some stuff. And yeah, maybe it'll work. 99% success rate when I do things.

Boots Knighton [:

So speaking of, before we end today's interview, would you please tell listeners all the ways they can find you?

Tanja Diamond [:

Oh, my gosh. Yeah. Spell my name right. A N J a diamond. And I'm like, on 20 or 30 pages of Google. You can't. You can't miss me. You have to spell my name right, though.

Tanja Diamond [:

So, yes, you can google me. Jump on Facebook. I know boots will have some links in the bottom. And I'd also like to offer anybody who's interested in exploring more about the five and eight systems or how that might help your life. I've dropped a discounted intro call. That's not a sales call, it's a coaching call for your listeners. This will drop that link for you. So, yeah, that's it.

Tanja Diamond [:

And I hang out a lot of Facebook, so if you like biohacking and all the interesting things I'm saying, that's where I mainly write all the stuff. Yes, I'm trying to break into TikTok and Insta. I hear you guys, but I am old. I'm 60, 62. So, you know, give me a moment.

Boots Knighton [:

I love it. Well, thanks again, Tanya, for your generosity and support, spending a slice of your day with us. I really appreciate it.

Tanja Diamond [:

It's been an honor. Thank you so much.

Boots Knighton [:

Hey, heart buddies. Thank you for sharing a few beats of your day with me today. Please be sure to follow or subscribe to this podcast wherever you are listening. Also be sure to share with a friend who will value what we discussed. Additionally, I'd love your feedback. It is so encouraging when I hear from you listeners and it helps me continue to put out good content that I know you want to hear. So be sure to drop me an email@bootsheheartchamberpodcast.com. again, I am your host Bootsnighton and thanks for listening.

Boots Knighton [:

Be sure remember to tune in next Tuesday for another episode on open heart surgery with boots.

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About the Podcast

Open Heart Surgery with Boots
Giving voice and education to heart patients around the world to complete the healing picture post heart surgery.
Open Heart Surgery with Boots Podcast gives voice to heart patients around the world and helps complete the healing picture to make it easier to thrive post heart surgery.
Hi, my name is Boots Knighton, and I am an open-heart surgery patient in Victor, Idaho. Diagnosed with three different congenital heart defects at 42 years old, my life changed in an instant. In 2023, I launched this podcast because it was what I needed when I was facing heart surgery. I interview hearts of all kinds and elevate health care providers who think outside the box of general healthcare and believe that patients are the CEOs of their own health.